Concordancy is a system that is designed to solve most of the problems currently being caused in society by the Internet. It does this by inverting the relationship between User and Service Provider, by making the User the guardian of all personal data.

The idea is very simple - only the User knows that his/her data belongs to them, and only those details that are genuinely required are shared with other parties. Retailers don't need your name, phone number or address. That Thai take-out down the street from you doesn't either.

And you know what? They don't actually want those details; The elderly couple running the flower shop have no clue how to deal with the barrage of hackers and script kiddies trying to steal this information, all ripe for the pickingb once their crappy 8 letter password is cracked in a few seconds. Taking care of that data was never was supposed to be their job! How we "do data" today is a relic from a time when one's identity was attached to a small rectangular piece of paper with a picture on it. A system never designed to be recreated in digital form. The very fact that even today identity theft is even possible and can succeed is absolutely ridiculous.

At Condordancy, we have created a system that does away with all that. Rather than using the personal ID as the universal authorization for anything from buying a coffee to selling your estate, we introduce purpose-specific data access rights, allowing all parties involved in a transaction to provide the required authorization and authentication, and not a single byte more. Data is not shared; it's measured. Validated.

Each individual human has instant, complete and exclusive access to their information, and each transaction is a unique, distinct undertaking. Once the required level of authorization has been confirmed, nobody knows anything about anyone, nobody needs to be concerned with securing sensitive third-party information, and the only bit of data that remains is a transaction ID, linked to the particulars of the contract, exchange, purchase or service agreement being negotiated.

We can say with absolute confidence that no other system ever created or attempted to remedy the issues and problems plaguing our networked systems comes even close to offering anything as comprehensive and exhaustive as Concordancy does. We actually fix identity theft. Spam. Fake news. Trolling. Racism. Cyber-stalking, bullying and doxing... and we do all that while at the same time greatly strengthening both privacy and security.

The above list of improvements is actually unduly modest; aside of finally fixing these annoying problems, Concordancy also introduces a suite of innovative new possibilities offering robustly secure systems to allow any combination of friends, family, colleagues and organizations to seamlessly interact, transact and collaborate in harmonious confidence.

Enough talk! The archaic and inherently insecure ID based systems of today were obsolete before they even existed - the defenseless Swiss cheese ersatz of the analogue, paper-based past has finally come to an end, and not a day too soon! Welcome... to the Authentic, Authoritative and Accountable world of Concordancy!